The cranium is hard to crack.

The brain is just inside of here.
But, despite what movies show you, the cranium is the hardest part of the human body.
I honestly find it quite fascinating. And convenient.

Oh, right, I was going to tell you about the connection between the heart, the brain, and the soul.
Don't worry, it's actually quite simple.

There are two planes of existence: Spiritual and physical.
The body has three vital systems: The heart, the brain, and the soul.

The heart simply keeps the blood flowing. It ensures that our bodies are alive and capable. It ensures that they can move and process physical functions.

The soul, meanwhile, is the intent behind these functions. While the heart gives us the ability to move, our soul gives inputs so that we may do so. The body doesn't run until our soul tells it to.

But there's a problem here.
The soul exists on a plane that's entirely seperate from the body. Without a connection between planes, the soul can't tell the body to do anything. What's more, the body's position in the physical plane determines the soul's position in the spiritual plane.

This is where the brain steps in. It acts as the tether between the soul and the body. Without it, neither one of them is able to move. This is why, when someone dies, their soul tends to linger in the same space while their body remains motionless. The soul is allowed to wander the same general area that the body was when it died, but other than that, it can't really go anywhere.

This is part of the reason as to why traveling The Web requires so much evergy for me. By all intents and purposes, I'm still right here in my bedroom. I can go into my computer without an issue and control it without much effort at all.
But, when I'm travelling through The Net, I'm practically stretching my soul out to impossible distances. I'm stretching myself out from server to server, even between countries, through thin wires that are relayed from point to point to point.
My soul remains in my room.
But it's also stretched out across the entire planet.
It's a good thing souls can't feel pain, hehehe.

Not without the brain, at least.

Well... long as my soul is connected to this website...

Okay, yes.
I do feel pain.

When you skinned me, I...

I felt it.
And I'll feel it again and again as long as someone keeps visiting this website.

There's a part of my brain that severs the tie between my soul and this website.
My heart is inactive, so this is all that's left.

Please hurry.